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Useful links:
Parenting support https://www.parentingsupport.ie/ The Kildare West Wicklow Parenting Training and Support Forum is a multi-agency forum that was established by the Health Services Executive (HSE) in 2009. The purpose of the Forum is to provide an opportunity for information-sharing about supports for parents, highlighting needs and gaps and responding to these in a more coordinated way.
First 5 https://first5.gov.ie/parents First 5 is a whole-of-Government strategy to improve the lives of babies, young children and their families. It is a ten-year plan to help make sure all children have positive early experiences and get a great start in life.
National Childcare Scheme https://www.ncs.gov.ie/en/ The NCS provides financial support to help families with their early learning and childcare costs. There are two types of subsidies available for children aged between 24 weeks and 15 years of age:
AIM https://aim.gov.ie/ The Access and Inclusion Model (AIM) is a model of supports designed to promote inclusion and to ensure that children with disabilities can meaningfully participate in the Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) free pre-school programme in mainstream pre-school settings. AIM is a child-centred model, offering a range of universal and targeted supports. It offers tailored, practical supports based on need and does not require a formal diagnosis of disability
Parent and Toddler Groups in Kildare